Ethical Responsibilities For Mechanical Engineering


Engineering is a very challenging field that requires hard work and uses critical thinking. Engineering classes branches out to many other types of engineering like mechanical, civil, computer science, and fire protection engineers etc. Therefore, it has vast combinations of professions to choose from. As for mechanical engineers have to learn about how things work and how the mechanics of a gear functions.

Going into further details with mechanical engineering, there are many other branches that extend from it as well. For example, there are mechanical engineers for gears, cars, machines, and robotics. While the content is hard to grasp at school, people must be able to deal with ethical responsibilities at work. Therefore, in a difficult situation engineers would have to be smart about the choices they make and how it will benefit the team.

What are Ethics in the work field?

Ethics are "the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles." (
In other words ethics are the choices people make, given the situation they are in. Another way of thinking about ethics is the Golden Rule: "treat others the way as you want to be treated." Therefore even engineers have to uphold that value because most engineers work as a team and not by themselves; communication is key.

Field and Position

The mechanical field that I want to choose to work in is dealing with robotics and prosthetic limbs. The position that I want to be in this field is designing the parts and executing the test runs for these parts.

Ethical Responsibilities

Everyone in the world is different because everyone is unique in their own way. Thus everyone has different beliefs and perspectives. However when it comes to their work they have to have a professional atmosphere. They have ethical responsibilities that they have to fulfill and uphold to. It is true that people have to keep their standard morals close to them, but when they are in the work field they also have to consider their co-workers decisions and work from there. Engineers should not be selfish and solemnly worry about themselves, they should be aware of the choices they make and how it can benefit everyone.  

History of ethic disasters

In many cases, engineers usually have everything checked over and over again by their teams to make sure that there is no room for errors. Going back to September 11, 2001 the twin towers (World trade center) was attacked by terrorists and minutes later the towers began to collapse. The science behind it was due to small errors made my engineers. Supposedly the towers were built to withstand massive settlement loads, heavy winds, and airliner collision. However they forgot to take into consideration of the massive heat levels. According to the article, "World Trade Center Disaster" the massive heat generated by the airplane's fuel heated up to about 800 Celsius degrees. The verdict was that with this much amount of heat the explosion causes the interior structure of the building to give in and collapse.(World Trade Center Disaster 1)

If engineers were to take more precautions about the structure designs and their responsibilities then the tower probably would have taken longer to collapse; given a chance for more people to evacuate. That is why engineers have strict code ethics that helps them maintain their responsibilities. The only problem is that they left the factor of heat affecting the metal in the buildings because no one assume that the whole tower will ever reach these high temperature; and that was the downfall of the twin tower structures.
Word Trade Center (Twin Towers)

Ethics for the future

Near to the future engineers want to create a way that energy can be persevered and more efficient. They want to make the environment Eco friendly and reusing resources freely, rather than putting them to waste by using it once. For example, some engineers are thinking about solar panel cars that use the sun's energy to power to car. Instead of using gas which cause pollution to the environment. However, some of the ethics is that people can argue that car fuel have more power than electric cars. So engineers have to consider this and see if the project of solar cars are efficient or not. Also making solar cars will require some glass design that might be difficult, but the results of solar cars could be very resourceful. 

According to the document "Will electric cars soon have solar roofs?" It states that solar roof option will initially be offered in Japanese models only until Toyota develop a better formulated reinforced curved glass roof for the U.S.

Overall, when it comes to being an engineer I think that you are free to value your beliefs and being able to maintain your responsibilities as a professional. It is important to have excellent communication skills and leaders ship skills if you are the CEO of a company. As the head of the company one must consider others and what they have to say. Therefore, when making an ethical decision you have to be smart about the choices you make and that it is an honest answer. Everyone is human and we are bound to make a mistake somewhere in life; that is why we learned from them. When the time rises, engineers should be able to do the right thing and stay true to their ethical responsibilities in order to server their clients. Ultimately, engineers want the best for society and they do their best to increase efficiency and improve the environment each and everyday. Also as an engineer we have to put safety first(as top priority), be fair, and fulfill our duties to the world.  


  • "World Trade Center Disaster." World Trade Center Disaster N.p., 17 Oct. 2006. Web.
  • Mack, Stan. "What Is the Meaning of Ethical Responsibility?" N.p., n.d. Web.

  • Rom, Joe. "Will Electric Cars Soon Have Solar Roofs? Toyota and Tesla Say yes." ThinkProgress. N.p., 7 Mar. 2017. Web.


  1. John,

    Working in prosthetic development sounds like it would be just as rewarding as it would be challenging. Your example of the World Trade Center was very interesting. I don’t recall any blame being lobbed at the engineers at the time, but if that was the situation, I hope none of them feel any sense of responsibility. There have been commercial flights for over one-hundred years now (first one was in 1914) and I believe that “9-11” was the first time something like that had happened. It’s hard to plan for everything sometimes.

    As far as your format and information goes, maybe go over your blog a few times to reword some of your sentences and check for grammar. While I understood what you were talking about, I found a lot of the sentences to be a little non-sequitur (kinda not related to the prior sentence).

    1. Thanks for your comment Adam. I hoped you learned something from my blog. And yes, it is true that such a devastating tragic effect that have occur in America history. However it was not the engineers' fault, it was all terrorist attack. However, if the building structure was stronger to withstand against fire, then that could cease the rapid destruction of the twin tower. If all the metal in the building were stronger than they could withstand the fire in the tower and slows down the building destruction and allow people to evacuate better.
      Also thanks for your suggestions about some of the non-sequitur sentences and my grammar, I shall make the necessary changes that are needed.

  2. I like the formatting of this article. It looks attractive and got me to read further. Unfortunately when I read further, I saw very little relationship between your field and your points. After all, making robotic prosthetics is unrelated to 9-11, and I'm not sure 9-11 was an ethical failure on the part of the architects. Are there buildings that could have withstood similar attacks? Perhaps it's not best to ask those questions. Thank you for including your works cited.


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