Ethical conduct for a Computer Programmer

Computer Programming

Over all many job go by their ethical conduct in order to insure the satisfaction and cooperation of their employees . Software Developer otherwise known as Computer Programmer has an Ethical conduct to follow in order to ensure the security of the customer or the company as well as their employees safety.

Code of Ethics in Programming
There are 3 sentences that allow you to get a glimpse of what type of ethical conduct is acceptable regarding computer programming. The first ethical conduct being always being able to contribute to society by developing computer systems that minimizes the negative impacts to society. The second being avoid harm to others which doesn't necessarily mean physical but the lost of valuable information that can affect how the company functions. And finally the third ethical conduct code being giving proper credit to your sources or even something as simple as giving credit to the person that helped you develop the program, being trust worthy and honest in this field is key because without a good reputation your chances of ever contributing to a project with another company are none.

                                                                         History of ethical conduct gone wrong      
Many have heard of the yahoo breach in  2014 which was reported in September of 2016 to the public this breach affected over 500 million user accounts. This events portrays how "semi-privileged" employees were able to generate cookies which allowed them to gain access to target accounts all around the world. By violating the privacy of others they broke the ethical conduct of an employee to the company. They display their disloyalty and harmed the company's name along with other sensitive information.

How improve employees work ethics

Some professional practices that are use while working with computer programmer is that you can only approve software if you belief that it's safe and it meets the specification that were applied. Most of the practices conducted by computer programmers are to ensure that the program or app they created is efficient to their supplier and it works efficiently on its own without having to constantly revise it . Accepting responsibility for their own work is a big essential to this field because if the program has errors they should revise and correct it so the customer can be satisfied with the outcome.



  1. The blog is simple enough for people who are not involved in the particular field, to understand the ethics and the duties of a computer programmer. It also shows what harms can be cause if they tried to use their knowledge for fraud and security breaches. I think that the paragraph on Code of Ethics in programming, would be better if it was distinguished into 5 sentence as stated in the first sentence.


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