Ethical Internet

Ethical Internet

The position I have envisioned for myself would be a technician in an internet company. I would oversee upgrading the internet infrastructure of the state or country and service existing customers. My idea would be for a public option for the internet where everybody gets internet no matter where they live. The internet would work like how the post office works. However, I think this public option would be a free option in a private company. In the current time, I would most likely work for a private for-profit internet company. The free internet package would include an agreement between the company and the customer. This agreement would include the right for my company to keep and store all data used using the free internet package.

Data mining has been done for many years. It started in 1962 mainly as statistical data. Over the years, data mining has evolved into its own branch of science and math. According to an article on Forbes website, states in

September 1994 BusinessWeek publishes a cover story on "Database Marketing": “Companies are collecting mountains of information about you, crunching it to predict how likely you are to buy a product, and using that knowledge to craft a marketing message precisely calibrated to get you to do so…  An earlier flush of enthusiasm prompted by the spread of checkout scanners in the 1980s ended in widespread disappointment: Many companies were too overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of data to do anything useful with the information… Still, many companies believe they have no choice but to brave the database-marketing frontier.”

The First Internet Package

The free internet package would be available to everybody within the area of the routers. These would be free to connect once the person agrees to the terms and conditions.

The terms and condition would state, the company has the right to keep track and store all data using the free internet. The information stored would be sold to marketing companies or any other company who wants data. The data would be helpful in determining where I need to upgrade the internet infrastructure. The money made from this should or could cover the cost of the free internet.

Does the internet company have a right to keep the data?

In this Free Internet Package, the people would agree to it, but I don't know if they would really read the terms and conditions. The customer has the obligation to read everything they are going to agree to. If people don't read the terms and conditions and the company sees they agreed to the terms.

Can the customer get mad? This is where my mind would go. I gave them the opportunity to read where and how the data is going to be used. Internet access cost money to provide and for my company to offer free internet we need to cover those costs.

The Other Internet Option

The company would also offer a paid internet packages. This internet package would be faster and stronger than the free internet. However, the paid packages will not have their data stored. The customer will be covering the cost because they got the paid package.

This is where another ethical question comes into play. To take advantage of people tendencies to not reading the terms and conditions, the company can put a clause in the contract. This clause can say, the company can store the data of the paid internet user as well. Again, the company would sell this information to other companies to make more money. This would, in turn, allow the company to earn more money and be more forthcoming with a bonus.

The Day to Day operations

One of the biggest issues with the internet is net neutrality.

Network neutrality is a complex and controversial topic and is an important part of a free and open Internet. Enabling access, choice, and transparency of Internet offerings empower users to benefit from full access to services, applications, and content available on the Internet.

This would allow my company to control who gets access to what and how fast. The company could allow other corporations the main access to the internet. while other people would be on the slower internet. The slower internet would get congested because the company would put everyone else other than the people or companies who pay them to use the internet.

This can happen to the paid costumers as well. If I or my company doesn't want someone to visit a website. We could slow down the connection. This would most likely deter the person from returning to the website. My company could pick between two companies and the company my company likes better will get a faster connection.

If I was in charge this wouldn't happen but the company may indirectly force my hand.


I would treat everyone in the workplace the same. The people who have the same position as me, I would look at their numbers and compare. The comparing would be to see who is doing better or how they are doing. I like a little bit of competition so I would compare our respective results.

The employees who work below me would be treated fairly and respectfully. I would want the best connection strength for myself and customers within my domain. I would have customer service personnel would be very friendly and respectful. However, there would be moments where the internet would be down or not working.


A Very Short History Of Data Science” by Gil Press, Contributor.


  1. I like the in depth information you gave about what data mining is. It gives the reader a very good idea of what your job would have to deal with. This helped my understand more because I never thought about data mining too much. I knew that data mining happened but I forgot that it also can happen with internet providers not just websites. I can also see that your have described your ethical responsibilities to your consumers and also to your company as a worker there. The only thing I can add would be to include the ethical responsibilities to your coworkers that's all.

  2. Daniel,
    It seems like you may be confusing this assignment with the final assignment. That's OK, as your imagined scenario still allowed you to ponder ethics. The problem is it seems like you are creating the most unethical situation imaginable, where some citizens can buy their privacy, while the poor are left with less rights to their own privacy than others.


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